Roundtable/Panel Discussion (max 4 speakers)

Humancentric IoT and the Smart Society Concept


Thursday 15, 10:00h - 11:00h | Auditorium
15-05-2025 10:00 15-05-2025 11:00 Europe/Madrid Humancentric IoT and the Smart Society Concept The rapid adoption and integration of enabling technologies such as IoT, AI, and robotics has brought along significant changes to society and the global economy. The emerging "Smart Society" concept is a natural evolution of the "Society 5.0" discourse laying the ground work for the next generation of Smart Cities, upgraded by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Human-centric IoT is one of the pillars of the Society 5.0 initiative promoted by the government, universities, and corporations of Japan. This panel will discuss the origins and status of this effort, along with next steps and future goals towards its realization. Auditorium

The rapid adoption and integration of enabling technologies such as IoT, AI, and robotics has brought along significant changes to society and the global economy. The emerging "Smart Society" concept is a natural evolution of the "Society 5.0" discourse laying the ground work for the next generation of Smart Cities, upgraded by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Human-centric IoT is one of the pillars of the Society 5.0 initiative promoted by the government, universities, and corporations of Japan. This panel will discuss the origins and status of this effort, along with next steps and future goals towards its realization.


Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
