Dealing with Surprises in a World of Technology
Whether you are a vendor, supplier, integrator, asset owner, or even an end-consumer - surprises can
happen either at a somewhat predictable scale, or "out of the blue" when the perfect storm arises. And
with the interconnected nature of modern systems, and systems often not hosted on-prem, resiliency
and reliability will be crucial, but so will how to operate in a degraded state (either for productivity, or
with reduced resources). Whichever the case, the purpose of this session is to explore a number of
events that the speaker has been involved with where the "Goldilocks" of chaos led to significant disruptions and unnecessary exhaustion (and quitting) of resources. Fortunately, there are a
number of lessons learned and pragmatic outcomes that can be shared, and it is hoped that in an
evolving world of cyber-events - there can be some wins as long as cooler heads prevail