
Track: Regulations and Standards

Tue 21

Roadmap to the Future of Standards and Regulations

Tom Fiske
Tom Fiske Yokogawa Principal Technology Strategist Speaker

#Regulations, #Standards

21-05-2024 13:50 21-05-2024 14:20 Europe/Madrid Roadmap to the Future of Standards and Regulations As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, so too must the standards and regulations that govern its use. This session will explore future industrial trends with a focus on what Standards need to be developed to shape the future in industrial automation and autonomy. Join us for a forward-looking conversation on how we can work together to ensure that future technologies are implemented correctly through the use of Standards. Room 3
13:50h - 14:20h Room 3

ISA 95 – Enterprise-Control System Integration Case Study

Chris Monchinski
Chris Monchinski InflexionPoint Chief Technology Officer Speaker

#Manufacturing, #Standards

21-05-2024 14:20 21-05-2024 14:50 Europe/Madrid ISA 95 – Enterprise-Control System Integration Case Study Room 3
14:20h - 14:50h Room 3

Using Automation to Reduce Risk in Deep Sea Mining

Steve Mustard
Steve Mustard National Automation, Inc. CEO and President Speaker

#Energy, #Environmental, #Mining, #Regulations, #Renewable Energy

21-05-2024 14:50 21-05-2024 15:20 Europe/Madrid Using Automation to Reduce Risk in Deep Sea Mining Deep Sea Mining (DSM) is seen as a new means to secure minerals such as manganese, nickel, cobalt, and copper from rock concentrations known as polymetallic nodules, polymetallic vents, or cobalt-rich crusts. These minerals are key in achieving the transition away from fossil fuels. Minerals such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt, and rare earth elements are essential components in many of today’s rapidly growing clean energy technologies – from wind turbines and electricity networks to electric vehicles. There are concerns over the possible environmental impact of DSM, and these concerns must balance with concerns over the impacts of continued use of fossil fuels. This presentation will consider the ways in which automation technology can help in this challenge as the world continues to transition away from fossil fuels, including minimizing ecosystem disruption, reducing the footprint of mining equipment, minimizing noise and light pollution, reducing harm to the environment, and maintaining safety systems. Room 3
14:50h - 15:20h Room 3
Wed 22

Applying the 62443 Standard Series in Securing Industrial Automation Systems in Response to Current and Pending Regulations

Gabriel Faifman
Gabriel Faifman Schneider Electric Director, Product Security Standardization & Governance Speaker
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega Fortinet OT/ICS/xIoT Cyber Security Business Development Speaker
Camilo Gomez
Camilo Gomez Yokogawa Global Cybersecurity Strategist Speaker
Juan Caubet
Juan Caubet Eurecat Director of IT&OT Security Unit Speaker
Adam Gauci
Adam Gauci Schneider Electric Director of Cybersecurity Marketing for the Energy Managment Business Speaker


22-05-2024 13:35 22-05-2024 14:35 Europe/Madrid Applying the 62443 Standard Series in Securing Industrial Automation Systems in Response to Current and Pending Regulations Every sector is unique and cyber security strategy might be different. During the panel for Utilizing the 62443 Standard Series for Secured Systems, we will try to address the holistic approach that Industrial cybersecurity requires and how existing standars can give us the necessary help to understand how to start and how to mature our strategy. Room 3
13:35h - 14:35h Room 3

EU AI Act: The Intent and Impact of AI and Machine Learning on Standards

Vicente Moret Millás
Vicente Moret Millás Deloitte Of Counsel Speaker

#AI, #Machine Learning, #Standards

22-05-2024 14:35 22-05-2024 15:05 Europe/Madrid EU AI Act: The Intent and Impact of AI and Machine Learning on Standards The aim of the session will be to provide an introduction to the complex and ambitious AI Act passed by EU. It is a regulation with a high impact in terms of regulatory compliance for all actors in the value chain: producers, importers, distributors, deployers and users. Particular emphasis will be placed on the AI Act's regulation of the safeguards required to deploy high-risk category systems in critical infrastructure management systems, public service delivery systems, those applied to the education system and those that manage the right to work. Likewise, it will insist on the need to review and test the functioning of AI systems in relation to their possible impact on fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized in the EU. Finally, an approach to the impacts on business operations and regulatory compliance of the entry into force of the AI Act will be included. Room 3
14:35h - 15:05h Room 3

Global Regulations and Security Certification IIOT

Camilo Gomez
Camilo Gomez Yokogawa Global Cybersecurity Strategist Speaker

#Compliance, #Cybersecurity, #Regulations

22-05-2024 15:45 22-05-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Global Regulations and Security Certification IIOT Cyber security regulation throughout the world is rapidly increasing and becoming difficult to track. During this talk we will perform a parallel between global cyber security regulation and Industrial IoT security certification. In the first part we will illustrate increasing cyber security regulatory by numbers, geographies, and topics of compliance including specifics for the IIoT case. In the second part we will explore the role of IIoT security certification, ISASecure’s ICSA certification in particular, in support of compliance topics for both End-User and Product-Supplier organizations. Room 3
15:45h - 16:15h Room 3

The Pitfalls on the Road: Regulating for innovation in Europe

Philip Piatkiewicz
Philip Piatkiewicz Adra - AI-Data-Robotics-Association Secretary General Speaker

22-05-2024 16:45 22-05-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid The Pitfalls on the Road: Regulating for innovation in Europe AI is transforming everything from predictive maintenance in factories to personalized medicine. It's the engine propelling us towards a future filled with exciting possibilities. But just like a high-performance race car, AI needs guardrails to ensure a smooth and safe ride for everyone. Governments around the world have started to consider the equilibrium between managing perceived risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence and by getting the balance right, regulations can enhance public trust in AI technologies. When users feel safe interacting with AI systems, adoption rates increase, benefiting innovators. Therefore, responsible innovation flourishes when clear guidelines prevent harmful uses of AI - by defining boundaries. But how well does the AI strike this balance and how are key global actors approaching the same challenges? The session will focus on the AI Acts potential, and flaws, for stimulating innovation across Europe and will compare the Act’s approach to that of some of our global competitors. Room 3
16:45h - 17:15h Room 3
Thu 23

Digitization in Standards and Regulations

David Nix
David Nix IEC Digital Transformation Officer Speaker

#Compliance, #Regulations, #Standards

23-05-2024 13:35 23-05-2024 14:05 Europe/Madrid Digitization in Standards and Regulations Digital innovation continues to accelerate across industries with increasing pace. The traditional value of standards and conformity assessment may be minimized without fast and urgent adoption of new technologies and approaches to ensure that industry and regulators can continue to build on standardization. The IEC is at the forefront of driving new models for accessing, adopting, testing, and complying with standards. Room 3
13:35h - 14:05h Room 3

IIoT System Implementation and Certification for Cloud-Based Functionality Based on ISA/IEC 62443 Standards

Johan Nye
Johan Nye ICS Guru LLC Industrial Control System Consultant Speaker
Andre Ristaino
Andre Ristaino International Society of Automation Managing Director, Conformity Assessment Programs and Global Consortia Speaker

#Cloud Computing, #Standards

23-05-2024 14:05 23-05-2024 14:35 Europe/Madrid IIoT System Implementation and Certification for Cloud-Based Functionality Based on ISA/IEC 62443 Standards This fireside chat will explore the use of ISA/IEC 62443 standards for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) that include cloud-based functionality. The scope of an “IIoT IACS” includes all the systems and components necessary for a complete IACS including sensors, actuators, and controllers at the edge, services in the cloud, and the communications between edge and cloud. Room 3
14:05h - 14:35h Room 3

Reconciliating International Standards and Regional Policy Making in Cybersecurity

Eloïse Ryon
Eloïse Ryon Schneider Electric Senior Manager, Europe Digital Policy Speaker

23-05-2024 14:35 23-05-2024 15:05 Europe/Madrid Reconciliating International Standards and Regional Policy Making in Cybersecurity As new technologies are being developed, regional policy making on cybersecurity might endanger innovation and digital take up by global stakeholders, especially when such regional policy making ignores the possibility to use current international cybersecurity standards. Eloïse Ryon will outline how international cybersecurity standards, such as IEC 62433, can support the efficient implementation of regional cybersecurity policy making. Eloïse Ryon will deep dive into the specific example of the EU Cyber Resilience Act, which has recently changed its approach to the integration of international cybersecurity standards. Room 3
14:35h - 15:05h Room 3

ISA Secure: ISA/IEC 62443 Overview and Update

Andre Ristaino
Andre Ristaino International Society of Automation Managing Director, Conformity Assessment Programs and Global Consortia Speaker

23-05-2024 15:15 23-05-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid ISA Secure: ISA/IEC 62443 Overview and Update Learn the value of standardized cybersecurity assessments for automation controlling equipment at asset owner sites. Since announcing the plans in Q2 2023 to establish an operating site cybersecurity assessment scheme based on ISA/IEC 62443, ISASecure has been hard at work developing the standardize assessment specification with a planned launch date in the first half of 2025. Contributors include stakeholders from key groups including asset owners, certification bodies, automation suppliers, engineering and consulting companies, industry groups, and public policy makers. Room 3
15:15h - 15:45h Room 3

Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: IoT Innovations for Sustainable Cities

Sergi Milan
Sergi Milan EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Advisory Officer Speaker
John David Babyack Hernández
John David Babyack Hernández Libelium Environmental Global Sales Manager Speaker

#Regulations, #Standards

23-05-2024 15:15 23-05-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: IoT Innovations for Sustainable Cities The transport sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution in the European Union (EU), necessitating sustainable solutions to address these challenges. This talk explores the role of technology, particularly IoT devices, in monitoring and controlling environmental factors in urban areas. It focuses on the implementation of IoT devices for environmental monitoring, employing smart sensors and machine learning algorithms to measure air and noise pollution levels. These devices are deployed across EU, providing real-time data visualization and serving as decision support tools for city authorities. They aid in identifying priority areas for interventions, such as the establishment of Low Emission Zones (LEZ), and monitor progress and effectiveness over time. Room 2
15:15h - 15:45h Room 2

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
