
Track: Security and Cybersecurity

Tue 21

Cybersecurity Landscape: Identifying External Threats and Discussing Global Legislation

Mark Weatherford
Mark Weatherford Coalfire Chief Cybersecurity Strategist Speaker
Emil Bisgaard
Emil Bisgaard Poul Schmith/ Kammeradvokaten Partner, Commerical Law Consultant Speaker
René Matthiassen
René Matthiassen Frontdoor Security Senior IT/OT Security Consultant Speaker


21-05-2024 13:50 21-05-2024 14:50 Europe/Madrid Cybersecurity Landscape: Identifying External Threats and Discussing Global Legislation The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, with new threats emerging and legislation adapting to keep pace. In this fireside chat, we'll hear from industry experts as they discuss the current state of external cybersecurity threats and the latest global legislation aimed at combating them. We'll explore topics such as supply chain attacks, ransomware, and nation-state threats, and examine how governments and organizations are working together to strengthen defenses. Room 4
13:50h - 14:50h Room 4
Wed 22

Women in Cybersecurity Panel Discussion

Alba Diaz
Alba Diaz Schneider Electric Global Leader for Ecosystem Security Speaker
JC Herz
JC Herz Exiger Senior Vice President Cyber Supply Chain Speaker
Marina Nogales
Marina Nogales Unilever Director of Cyber Threat Intelligence Speaker
Noelle Beaini
Noelle Beaini National Cyber Security Directorate Senior Policy Officer Speaker


22-05-2024 13:35 22-05-2024 14:35 Europe/Madrid Women in Cybersecurity Panel Discussion This panel discussion brings together some of the leading women in cybersecurity to share their experiences, insights, and perspectives. We'll explore topics such as the challenges and opportunities for women in the industry, the importance of mentorship and networking, and how to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Join us for an empowering conversation on breaking down barriers and promoting gender equality in cybersecurity. Room 4
13:35h - 14:35h Room 4

Structuring an OT Cybersecurity Program

Tony Furlong
Tony Furlong Otectics, Ltd. Director Speaker

#Business Strategy, #Cybersecurity

22-05-2024 15:45 22-05-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Structuring an OT Cybersecurity Program Building a cyber security program for many sites over a multi-year deployment plan requires the coordination of numerous moving parts. This presentation provides guidance on how create a path for delivery and takes a close look at the skills needed in the organization and how to build them. Deploying OT cybersecurity standards, processes and technology creates a significant change in the organization landing his change and interaction with those most affected by it are critical for success. The presenter will discuss 5 top lessons learned and will provide a blueprint for others to follow. Room 4
15:45h - 16:15h Room 4

AI Considerations to Ensure Compliance of Your Cybersecurity Program

Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller Ampere Industrial Security Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder Speaker

#AI, #Business Strategy, #Compliance, #Cybersecurity, #Regulations

22-05-2024 16:15 22-05-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid AI Considerations to Ensure Compliance of Your Cybersecurity Program This presentation dives into the strategic and tactical aspects of using artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure compliance with global cybersecurity regulations. We'll examine the practical do's and don'ts of implementing AI-driven compliance solutions, while also exploring the limits of AI in comparison to the role of human subject matter experts. In a rapidly evolving and complex regulatory landscape, this session offers concrete insights to effectively integrate AI into your cybersecurity strategy. Room 4
16:15h - 16:45h Room 4

Securing the Future: Building an Effective OT Cyber Strategy

Peter Herdman
Peter Herdman Chartered Institute of Information Security Chartered Engineer & Board Member Speaker

#Business Strategy, #Cybersecurity

22-05-2024 16:45 22-05-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid Securing the Future: Building an Effective OT Cyber Strategy Crafting and implementing an effective OT cybersecurity strategy presents numerous challenges and frequently falls short of anticipated outcomes. This session delves into the distinctive characteristics between IT and OT cyber, scrutinises the obstacles encountered, and outlines a roadmap for achieving success in OT cybersecurity initiatives. Room 4
16:45h - 17:15h Room 4
Thu 23

Intelligence Evolution: Where Conflict and Adversaries Collide Within the Software World

JC Herz
JC Herz Exiger Senior Vice President Cyber Supply Chain Speaker

#Cybersecurity, #Manufacturing, #Regulations, #Supply Chain, #Threat Intelligence

23-05-2024 13:35 23-05-2024 14:05 Europe/Madrid Intelligence Evolution: Where Conflict and Adversaries Collide Within the Software World Geopolitical conflict and the geopolitical fault lines in critical industries have made cybersecurity into a higher-dimension intelligence problem: product vulnerabilities, exploitability and targeting are more effectively prioritized and managed with an overlay of supplier risks that are not present or detectable with code scans. These risks can be detected and managed by combining operational transparency with a geopolitical risk data metrics on devices, software and upstream service providers and software suppliers. • Attendees will walk away with: • an overview of the intersection of cybersecurity and intelligence • positioning of the supply chain challenges relating to threats not simply found through tools • non-obvious threats in the software and firmware ecosystem • how these threats can be detected and managed through a comprehensive program that can be tailored to your risk appetite and regulatory obligations Room 4
13:35h - 14:05h Room 4

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity: Current State and Future Trends

David Sandoval Rodríguez-Bermejo
David Sandoval Rodríguez-Bermejo NTT Data Expert Architect Speaker

#AI, #Cybersecurity

23-05-2024 14:05 23-05-2024 14:35 Europe/Madrid The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity: Current State and Future Trends Currently, we are immersed in one of the greatest technological transformations in history, AI. In an increasingly digitized society, cybersecurity plays a fundamental role. The key question today is, how will AI revolutionize cybersecurity? In this presentation, the current state of the art will be reviewed, and the most likely short-term trends will be discussed. Room 4
14:05h - 14:35h Room 4

Dealing with Surprises in a World of Technology

Ron Brash
Ron Brash aDolus Technology Inc. Vice President of Technical Research and Integrations Speaker


23-05-2024 15:15 23-05-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid Dealing with Surprises in a World of Technology Whether you are a vendor, supplier, integrator, asset owner, or even an end-consumer - surprises can happen either at a somewhat predictable scale, or "out of the blue" when the perfect storm arises. And with the interconnected nature of modern systems, and systems often not hosted on-prem, resiliency and reliability will be crucial, but so will how to operate in a degraded state (either for productivity, or with reduced resources). Whichever the case, the purpose of this session is to explore a number of events that the speaker has been involved with where the "Goldilocks" of chaos led to significant disruptions and unnecessary exhaustion (and quitting) of resources. Fortunately, there are a number of lessons learned and pragmatic outcomes that can be shared, and it is hoped that in an evolving world of cyber-events - there can be some wins as long as cooler heads prevail Room 4
15:15h - 15:45h Room 4

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
